Party Standard Procedures
This is meant to serve as a dynamic and growing list of standard procedures for dealing with common situations we're likely to come into.
Ranged battles
When violent encounters take place at 60 ft. or more distance, then we will
Face the cart away from the danger.
Use the Cart for cover.
Person with the highest initiative will call out a primary target. The group will then focus missile file on one opponent at a time until that opponent is eliminated then the person next up in order will select (and call out) a new common target.
Responding to ambushes
When being ambushed, we should all charge a single weak point in the ambusher's lines to get out of the killing area.
Undead encounters
Fighters should provide bodily cover (in a circle or half-circle) to the cleric so that cleric can concentrate on his efforts to turn the undead. We should be able to provide nearly 100% cover to the cleric in this way.
If the targets are…
Then we should…
headed by a single power creature (i.e., Ogre Mage and several Hobgoblins)
take out the powerful creature first
all equal and relatively weak (i.e., six goblins)
take out individual targets all at the same time
all equal and relatively tough (i.e., three Ogres)
pick one target at a time and focus all attacks on that creature until it is taken out. Then move on to the next target.
Rally points
If we're chased to the four winds, the group should try to regroup approximately one mile back down the road. Or, in the case where there is a friendly nearby town, at the town common.
Page last updated on 03 October 2001.