Proper Name
The Novar
Bards; entertainers; performers; story-tellers.
Patron God(dess)
Usually a musical note, supplemented by an instrument, the wearing of which will denote the Novar's particular excellence.
To provide, for compensation, entertainment, levity, acrobatics, tall tales, etc.
Light-hearted, humorous, flippant, happy-go-lucky. Can be a dangerous profession for those not capable enough: poor performing can rate up there with spying and treason as a crime.
Any neutral (note, alignment may fluctuate depending on the sponsor of the troupe).
By troupe. The Master Performer Novar are those whose professional careers are marked by a standing invitation to the major stages across Breminor, whether they be in the courts or at famous/infamous watering holes. The Novar are trained in academies, the best of which are reckoned to be in Laladen and Alize. The academies compete with each other at the “Stage of the Binding”, an annual event held in Eslatarr, at which the best academy troupe is voted. Aside this endorsement, the other great prize is to be selected the King's performer in Thrune, Valithra. This enlightened court is the only one that has created such a post.
Any, but humans, elves (if they can be convinced to perform) and half-elves usually comprise the majority of entertainers.
By approaching a Master Performer and showing one's mettle. A recommendation is then made to an academy with an understanding that should the studies be completed, the initiate would return to the Master Performer's troupe. Occasionally, a king or lord may also sponsor a promising performer to the academies.
Degree of secrecy
None. Secrecy is impossible among those who like to show off and tell stories.
Huge. A successful troupe is feted whenever it comes to town. Even novice troupes are welcome so long as they can perform.
In most major urban centers that can pay for such services. Unlikely to be found in Dunihk and Nyslavadd, for example.
AD&D/D20 Classes
Bard, rogue, illusionist.