![](1x1.gif) Alphabetical List of Prominent Organizations:
Prominent in…
To turn a gold piece or two through trafficking drugs, spices, drink, weapons and other high-value, high tax goods.
Dunihk, Eslebi, Nyslavadd, Sherna
Ghost Riders
Nomadic riders dedicated to destroying Amulon and its many allies.
Dunihk, Kakehun, Nyslavadd, Toroth
Mad Moe's Men
Armed services to the highest bidder.
Eslebi, Ishyr, Nythoria, Valithra
The Watchers
Safeguard the emperor's seat and purpose in Nythoria.
Healer, Doctor
To keep the body and spirit healthy and pure.
Eslebi, Ishyr, Laladen, Nythoria, Valithra
To preserve the secret ways of the underground; to exploit the earth and rock with understanding; to know The Way of the Stone.
Ishyr, Kakehun, Nyslavadd, Sherna, Valithra
Half-orc mercenary outfit.
Dunihk, Nyslavadd, Toroth
Spies and Counselors
To counsel and inform - to anticipate what will happen - knowledge is more powerful than the sword
Ubiquitous; all kingdoms.
Order of Konlar, Bane of Amulon, Sword of the Gods, Protectors from Pestilence
Religious warriors who dedicate themselves to finding and battling Amulon until the Bringer of Hope comes to vanquish the forces of Pestilence once and for all.
Dunihk, Kakehun, Nyslavadd, Toroth.
Society of Krin, the Discoverers
To understand Breminor through exploration and discovery.
Ishyr, Kakehun, Laladen, Toroth, Valithra
Order of Mylassa, Virgins of the Sword
Protectors of the New Church.
Eslebi, Laladen, Toroth, Valithra.
Bards and Entertainers
To entertain and amuse, for compensation.
Ishyr, Valithra, Eslebi, Laladen, Nythoria and Kakehun.
Seers, witches
To see all possible futures.
Ubiquitous; all kingdoms.
Hand of Sattath, Guardians of the Binding
Guardians of the Binding.
Dunihk, Kakehun, Toroth, Nyslavadd.
Order of Sontor, Scribes
To know and write the texts - keepers of the Codex
Eslebi, Ishyr, Laladen, Nythoria, Valithra.
Guild of Tan, Roe's Rogues, Tan's Thieves
Guild of skilled thieves and assassins with standards for professionalism.
Eslebi, Laladen, Nythoria, Sherna, Valithra
Those dedicated to preserving the ways of the sea and the well being of those who travel them.
Dunihk, Eslebi, Ishyr, Laladen
Knights of the Living Earth
To protect living Breminor by ensuring a balance in all things.
Ishyr, Kakehun, Toroth
Knights of Fire
To bring about the rebirth of Breminor through fire.
Dunihk, Ishyr, Laladen, Sherna
To ensure the successful delivery of a client's goods to its destination.
Eslebi, Laladen, Nythoria, Toroth, Valithra
![](1x1.gif) List of Organizations by Kingdom
Ahabi, Ashen Riders, Crimson Shield, Holgl Brotherhood, Konlar, Sattath, Thoal's Crew, Unali, Yakkan
Ahabi, Blue Gauntlets, Elan, Mylassa's Warriors, Oriclia's Daughters, Sattath, Sontor, Tan, Thoal's Crew, Wayfarers
Blue Gauntlets, Gralu's Company, Klahdra, Krin, Sontor, Thoal's Crew, Thorian Fellowship, Unali
Ashen Riders, Gralu's Company, Klahdra, Konlar, Krin, Oriclia's Daughters, Thorian Fellowship
Elan, Krin, Mylassa's Warriors, Oriclia's Daughters, Sattath, Sontor, Tan, Thoal's Crew, Unali, Wayfarers, Yakkan
Ahabi, Ashen Riders, Crimson Shield, Elan, Gralu's Company, Holgl Brotherhood, Konlar, Sattath, Yakkan
Blue Gauntlets, Bremin, Elan, Oriclia's Daughters, Sontor, Tan, Wayfarers
Ahabi, Gralu's Company, Sattath, Tan, Unali
Ashen Riders, Crimson Shield, Holgl Brotherhood, Klahdra, Konlar, Krin, Mylassa's Warriors, Thorian Fellowship, Wayfarers, Yakkan
Blue Gauntlets, Elan, Gralu's Company, Krin, Mylassa's Warriors, Oriclia's Daughters, Sontor, Tan, Wayfarers
Copyright 2001 by Breminor.com. All rights reserved.
Version Date: 10 December 2001 Primary Author: Matthew Shears